Secured Data Destruction Devices
Secured Data Destruction Devices Data Terminator offers a comprehensive range of products in the Data Leakage Prevention field.To complement the services that it offers to its customers, Data Terminator also offers a comprehensive range of products in the Data Leakage Prevention field. This testifies its commitment to its customers, by offering products of the highest qualities and standards possible.

Secured Data Destruction
Hard Disks / Magnetic Media Degaussers
Confidential Data Leaked? Old Sensitive Data Recovered? Not anymore! Data Terminator carries a large range of degaussers which can meet your organisation’s needs regardless of its size or type of media used.
What other ways to guarantee data destruction then to smitten your hard disks & any other storage media into bits and pieces. To see the range of disintegrators available at Data Terminator.
In a world where data is now more commonly stored in hard disks, tapes are often overlooked. Tapes like hard disks are vulnerable to sensitive data leakage. Data Terminator offers a range of tape degaussers which can meet your organization’s needs.
Endpoint Security
With the proliferation of easy data transfer through endpoints such as flash drives, network shares, wifi and Bluetooth, your employee could be moving confidential data without your knowledge. Safend can help your company fight against these potential data breaches.
Monitoring & Detection
Intellinx is a proactive enterprise fraud management solution providing a unique combination of unparalleled visibility to user activity with real-time alerts and investigation capabilities. To find out how Intellinx can help protect your organization against frauds.
ObserveIT is a powerful monitoring and detection solution that is designed for use in multi-server enterprise environments. It provides visibilities into user activities such as Microsoft Terminal Services and Citrix, without requiring any architecture changes. To find out how ObserveIT can meet your organisation’s security needs.
Tectia Guardian is a robust tool for auditing and troubleshooting secured connections, facilitating effective forensics and ensuring accountability across the critical business environment. To find out how Tectia Guardian can help improve the efficiency and integrity of your organisation.
Other Data Solutions
Have you been caught in a situation where your hard disk suddenly stopped working on you and the data which was stored inside was worth a fortune? Look no further. PSIClone which is the product of 27 years of data forensic research comes to your distress.
(Data Erasure Tools)
If you thought that you could securely delete a document, just by emptying the trash, you were wrong. Many people have this impression that once a file has been emptied from the trash can, it cannot be retrieved, at least not by laymen. Do not put your data risk. Hammer is a hard disk erasure tool which can securely erase all data written on a particular drive.